
Constance Ledbelly - Anna Treadway
Desdemona/Ramona/ Mercutio - Ellie Manwell
Juliet/Student - Lauren Scott-Berry
Prof Claude Night/ Othello/Tybalt - Anthony Hull
Iago/Romeo - Terry Scotchmer
Chorus - Oliver Clement

Production Team

Director - Mansoor Mir
Stage Manager - Andy Harker
Lighting Design & Operation - Declan McGuire
Sound Design - Mansoor Mir
Sound Operation - Danny Mullings
Costumes - The Cast, with assistance from Cathy Love

Constance Ledbelly, a drab and dusty academic, deciphers a cryptic manuscript she believes to be the original source for Othello and Romeo and Juliet. She is transported into the plays themselves, visits Juliet and Desdemona, has a hand in saving them from the deaths the Bard had planned for them, and finds out what these women are all about.

In true Shakespearean spirit, Constance plunders the plays and creates something new, all the while engaging in a personal voyage of self-discovery and encountering an abundance of twists, fights, dances, seductions and wild surprises.

As well as Goodnight Desdemona, two other Showcase performances will be presented on 26 April: an extract from War of the Waleses, performed by KDC Theatre, and an adaptation of Macbeth, presented by The Blank Factory. Your ticket will be good for all three plays.